The Two Kingdoms and Nonresistance [1]
When Rabbi Lord Jesus walked here among men,
The truth He proclaimed in the land;
His message was clear—"Repent and believe,
For the kingdom of God is at hand."
To all those religious—the scribes of the day,
This teaching did not go down well;
"Who authorized you to teach us these things—
These things about heaven and hell?"
As Jesus kept teaching the kingdom of God,
His followers furrowed their brows.
What did He mean that the ones who can't enter,
Are those looking back from their plows?
His teachings roused interest—they seemed so unique,
So different from what they were taught;
“Let's make Him our king right here on this earth,
And then all is peaceful," they thought.
But the mission of Jesus was not to be King
On a throne that was here on this earth;
"My kingdom is not of this world," He explained,
"It's a kingdom of immortal worth."
Now this is not something abstract in the sky,
That's only for heaven above;
This kingdom's within you to show to the world
How God meant for mankind to love.
The kingdom of God is so different, you see,
From the kingdom this world is in charge;
These kingdoms stand contrary—one to the other;
The contrast between them is large.
The theme of God's kingdom is loving and giving;
It sets His disciples apart;
Your love for another lets everyone know
You love God with all of your heart.
Now many believe that my love for my neighbor
Is only if he loves me first;
They don't really think Jesus meant what He said
When he told us to bless those who cursed.
They think they can kill if it's in self defense
And still show the world Jesus' love;
But Jesus taught clearly what Christians should do
When enemies hurt us and shove.
Love them and bless them and pray for them too,
And give them some water and food;
Let them slap twice on your face if they try,
And give up your coat to the rude.
This model He gave us is hard for the flesh
To really enjoy and feel good;
We'd rather not hear about crosses and thorns,
And loving our foes like we should.
Some want to fight back for the rights that they own,
And try to make peace with the sword,
Explaining away Bible truths that are clear—
Ignoring the words of our Lord.
But what if the enemy enters your house,
And beats up your wife and your child?
Shouldn't you hurt him and push him away,
Resisting the one who's defiled?
What about nations who rise up and kill,
The innocent children galore?
Are we not morally bound to go fight—
Bring justice and call it Just War?
This way of thinking is natural for all
Who wish for this world to be right;
But Jesus predicted that bad things would happen,
And nations would rise up and fight.
But lay aside reason and seriously ask
A question that's simple instead;
"What if each word that our Master has taught,
He meant it—just like He said?"
The mission of Christians is not to take lives
And try to keep peace on this earth;
But rather to show people what God is like
And show them how much they are worth.
When we show the world what Jesus showed us,
That giving one's life is true love;
Then His kingdom comes and His will is done,
On earth as it is up above.
What would it look like if all Christians loved
As Jesus loved those who hurt him?
They'd feed them and clothe them and walk extra miles,
Because of God's kingdom within.
Instead of defending their rights and their lives,
They'd love and forgive every foe.
The world would then see the true meaning of love.
God's kingdom would suddenly grow.
For what will it profit a man if he gains
The whole world but loses his soul?
Isn't it better to lose your life here,
Than save it and miss heaven's goal?
If anyone wishes to follow the Lord,
Denying yourself is the key;
You must bear your cross as Jesus bore His—
Obeying His Word to the T.
So let's show the world how true Christians love,
Regardless if men think we're odd.
Let's love one another as Jesus loved us,
Displaying the kingdom of God.
This poem is not copyrighted. May no one ever do so. It is the author’s preference that there be no revisions. May it be used to the glory of God, for the edifying of the brotherhood and the furtherance of the kingdom of God.